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Tales From the Trails

Here's where you can find stories and adventures from members of the IFSJA. If you've got a story to tell, please email us!

Ouray Recon Reports - CFSJA Members
Cleman Mountain - Jerry Horn
Lake Isabelle Trail, Washington - Jerry Horn
Trail Report: AAARRGGG! - John Jacobs
Snow Trip - Chris Medlicott
Longwater & Metberry Gulch (USS FSJ's!) - Michael Shimniok
Barking Dog Trail Bites Back- Ethan Brady
Blue Lakes / Deer Valley FSJ Fest - Bob Maclay
Arizona Back Country Trip - George Andrews and Len Sullivan
My Moab Adventure - Alan Taylor
the LAST Wagoneer...
John Meets Timex (and Doc too)
Ken's Great Escape - Ken Wetherall
Molina Ghost Town Run - Ken Wetherall
Moab Trip, Weekend #1 - Brian Riggs
Desert Trip - Tom Anhalt
The National Automotive Museum Revisited
Southern New Hampshire's Rubicon - Paul Snordby
Ken & Ken Do The Rubicon - Ken Renshaw
Ken & Ken Do The Rubicon - Ken Wetherall
A Trip Too Far - Ken Wetherall
Brian Riggs does the Dusy-Ershim Trail - Brian Riggs
Ol' White Forgets Parts - Eddie Pedersen
Labor Day Moab Trip - Brian Riggs
Ol' White & Copperhead - Eddie Pedersen
A Day At The Dunes - Rory Davis
Trip Report: Coyote Flats - Tom Anhalt
Winter Fun Festival 1998 - Ken Wetherall
The First Annual FSJ Skyline Invasion - Jim Polk
Local Wheeling in Denton - Lindel Easley & Brian Moake
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