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A Trip Too Far

Contributed By: Ken Wetherall

Another trail story from Ken, in it's original inimitable "English?" (KenSpeak).

Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 16:52:28 -0700
From: SuperKen
Subject: A trip too far

I left Concord CA at 1445hrs and got to my nehoews house at 1600. we got to about Sacramento when we found out he forgot his chair, oh well. Had dinner at macdonalds in Placerville CA, then got into the base camp at 2030hr. even tho we got in late, last year i was able to get fri off and left concord at 0900, we werer able to locate the same campsite my club n i had used for the last 3 yrs. the other 2 members of my club that were gonna attend arrived about 2200, and my brother Bob from palmdale CA, was almost right behind them. it started to rain and we all helped put up club member dennis's tent. since i towed up the Super, my nephew and my brother slept in that while i slept in dennis's tent. it rained all of fri nite.

sat morn was clear, and got better for the entire length of the trail. the only mishap i encountered was another bad bat cable connection. looks like its time to get new cables!! my bro took some photos, when he sends copies to me ill see in any look good enuff to post. there were 2 or 3 obsticles i climbed w/o spinning a tire and that impressed the spotters that were on hand. when we got back to camp at 1630, the clouds came back and we errected a leentoo out of the 20x20 tarp i carry in the van. it kept us dry and we sat around and told dirty jokes untill dinner. dinner was a little better in that the rain just stoppped enuff to stand in line to get it. but while we ate it it began to drizzle. but after dinner the skies cleared again, the sun came out. we were camped next to the N fork of the american riv near Kyburz CA. we skipped rocks across the river untill dark. we talked and told funny stores till 2300.

sun morn was sunny, i went to move the Super in behind the van to hook the two up. when i attempted to lower the driver door window to adjust the outside mirror, the pane of glass fell off the window regulator and thudded to the bottom of the door, at least it werent raining ;)

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 kenneth e. wetherall        'If a Wagoneer can go where a
                                 CJ can go, then it's a                Super Wagoneer'
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